Interior Design Trends 2021

Just like fashion, in the interior world, trends come and go. Whether you’re looking to update or refresh a room, or perhaps renovate the entire home, here are some top interior design trends for your living room, bedroom or any room in your house that you can expect for 2021. Poles and Blinds also gathered some handy tips and ideas from popular interior design bloggers to help you easily create the latest trends 2021.


The grandmillennial trend or "granny chic" is all about floral prints, antique paintings and retro elements with a modern twist. It’s an elevated version of what you might find at your grandparents. However, it’s given a wash of bold colour, and the designs themselves appear to be a lot more advanced and decorative.

"I have a love of antiques and timeless chic with a twist. I tend to look for colours that compliment each other but then play around with texture within that colour palette to add interest and a bit of dimension.
If ever I feel it’s at risk of looking a tad twee, I take a step back and strip it back a bit so to speak. I find that way it’s still stays timeless and chic rather than a bit too much shabby-chic and cluttered."

Ashley @mrskskitchen

Recommended curtain pole for this trend

Cameron Fuller 50mm Oriental Wood Curtain Pole
Cameron Fuller 50mm Oriental Wood Curtain Pole, £155

Natural Textures

Neutral colours and texures have been dominating the interior design for some time now and they are not going anywhere.  Layer up your living room or bedroom with cushions, rugs and blankets, bringing in textures with plants and prints. 

"Keep colours tonal and add interest by using different textures. I love laundered linen cushions, warm woollen blankets on sofas. A wooden display ladder draped with a favourite throw or blanket is a nice feature and adds warmth and interest. Wooden accents also add warmth too!"

Jess @mrsjessdaines

Recommended curtain pole for this trend

Wooden curtain poles in Antique Pine

Green is new Grey

Many experts agree that green will set the tone in our homes for the year ahead. You have probably already noticed that everyone started painting their rooms this color and share it on Instagram. 

"Green is an easy colour to use as it goes with lots of colours - pink, blue, black, white, purple (depending on the shade). It’s very versatile and also looks fabulous with wooden furniture. I think it’s a very calming colour too. There’s a huge array of different shades available, meaning that it appeals to people who like bright and airy interiors, but also those of us who like dark interiors. A light sage green would create a very different feel to, say, a dark smoky or forest green."

Emma @stove_pipe_house

Layering Old & New

The mix of old and new is something that is now being played around with a lot more. It’s true that many home interior design trends can often mix well together and that can certainly be said with layering old features with new. It’s nice to have a home that has a personality and a history to it. When you walk into your home, you want to have parts of you and your household within, right? So start looking for home decor, whether it be little trinkets or big pieces that transport you decades back, whether it’s the 50s or even earlier. Telling a story through your home is a great way of showing it off in a different way.

"My inspiration comes from both retro modern and Scandinavian style and the love of Orla Kiely patterns to create a mid century modern feel. I add up-to-date pieces to give it an on trend feel."

Sharon @my_house_on_abbey_road

Real Plants

Faux plants are becoming outdated. Besides, there’s plenty of plants that you don’t even need to pay particular attention to and they’ll happily thrive. Indoor plants are really popular at the moment. It’s also a good mood booster to have a selection of plants put around your home. Think about what type of greenery would work in each room, catering for the type of environment they’re in too. If it’s a moisture-heavy room, then ivy can go really well in bathrooms. For spaces that get a lot of natural light, snake plants are great for thriving. All they need is a hot space and very little water.

"Always group plants together wherever possible, they seem to thrive with company. I try to have plants at different heights with some hanging too, this helps create depth and interest. I always check I have the correct soil for the plant as different species have specific needs.

The correct position for light is crucial - I’ve learned this the hard way with some getting scorched by getting too much harsh daylight. I also have a reminder set to water each week at the same time. Once a month I give my smaller plants a soak in the bath and the big ones have a shower."

Sharon @a_story_of_home

Quirky Bathroom Decor

Daring to be a little quirkier with your choices? After all, if you love it, then that’s all that matters when it comes to your home. This decor has started to become a running trend in many hotels, pubs and restaurants over the past few years. Now it’s spilling over into residential homes. Again, perhaps it’s the mixture of featuring one time period with another, but it often tends to be quirky when housed in the more old-style home exterior. Take a bright floral print wallpaper and pair it with a vintage sink basin and gold taps. Get a stand-alone white bathtub and add bursts of neon colours in the form of towels and bath mats. There’s nothing quite like showing off your personality better than with some funky bath mats!

Multi-Functional Spaces

Due to remote working becoming more of a need, households have had to adapt their spaces into a workspace too. Hence, there’s a need for more functionality when it comes to a room, beyond what it’s sole purpose is. Creating multi-functional spaces can be beneficial for those who struggle with space anyway. Look at creating an office space within a bedroom or a dining area that can serve as a workspace too. There are lots of ways to incorporate different functionalities, so think about layouts in a more creative manner. Keep it minimal where you can, so that you can create multi-functionality but without it feeling too cramped.

"Make sure you have good lighting and add decorative items to make it feel a nice calming space, especially greenery."



Interior design trends 2021 are already here, so if you’re looking for something a little different, why not try one of the above trends? Spending more time in the home is important, and so it’s good to create spaces that are functional and stylish.

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